Monday, December 26, 2011

I'm a bad person.

I kind of forgot this existed. Well, I didn't forget, I just forgot it was my turn to update it. Ooops.

Anyways! Hi! We're watching Merlin! It has sexy boys. Woooooooooooooot!

Random crap time! It's the day after Christmas. My dad gave me, like, four inch hooker heels. And they're AWESOME. Torch is literally sitting next to me making my Christmas scarf! The one she keeps cursing and wants to set on fire.

I'm waiting for the randomness to pop into my mind... and it's not coming.

Bradley James. He's attractive. So is Bradley Cooper. The kid in A Christmas Story? Ralphie? Yeah, grew up to be super attractive. Peter Bilingsly. Check him out, man. Santiago Cabrera. Liam Hemsworth, obviously. Johnny Depp! And, Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron, may have done some crappy movies, but daaaaaaaaaaang. Ever heard of Pinterest? It's a website. All the pictures of boys you can find on there! :D

"How long have you been training to be a prat?" "You can't address me like that." "I'm sorry. How long have you been training to be a prat, my Lord?"

Mozart. Pretty, right? Until you have to sing it. Then it SUCKS.

Forgive Torchie, for she sounds like death.

Words words words words words words words words words. Words, words words words words. Words! Wooooooooords.

Apparently Torchie and I shouldn't get sex changes. This is a good thing, I guess?



Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm Terrible!

I love how I give Nutter's so much crap to update the blog all the time, and then go and forget about it for a whole bloody month. Anyways! I actually have legit reasons! I promise!

It all started when I sprained my ankle. Lol. Life has kind of exploded since then.
I broke up with Ryan. Yeah, I know. I'm terrible. Title, remember?
A week later (almost to walk normal again) I dropped my rifle on my foot, and shattered my toe into three pieces. My guard director has hated me for the last month.
I've been struggling to not fail my dang math class. Bloody teacher thinks just because he gets everything, means that we should too.
I miss Ky...God I miss Ky. I found one of his shirts packed in a box I hadn't gotten around to unpacking till a couple days ago. It still smells like him. Good news though! He might be coming down for Christmas! :) I really hope he does.
Also! I get to go home for Thanksgiving! Whooo!!!!! Nutters! And Nao! And maybe Flynn :P
Although he fails at life and will be up here, while I'm down there.

I've been working out like crazy lately and finally losing my "baby fat" ;D
I've gotten addicted to it though, and go running every weekend and crunches and pushups ever day, and BLAH. I'm sore. Always. It's awesome, but kind of sucks too. I fell asleep while developing film in photography today. The alarm went off (to change the chemicals) and I freaked out and backed into the door. Managed to face plant. Mind you! This room is literally the size of a small closet. Yup. Still trying to figure out how I managed that one.

I'm typing in time to a very fast tempo country song, it's amusing to me.
I'm also texting Flynn, and considering when I should start on my homework. (Because obviously you're sooooooo curious as to what I do, right?)

Oh yeah...So...Hmm... How do I put this lightly?
Well, I punched a Freshman in the face yesterday...
Okay! Before you call me even MORE terrible! He's on JV! So he was built...he could've blocked it...
I was walking up the staircase in the fine arts hall, and he grabbed my ass (Truth or Dare) (Poor kid...), my natural reaction was to turn and hit. And being me, of course, I ended up hitting him in the face.
Luckily a female security guard saw the whole thing, and I didn't get in trouble. I got a warning, and the kid got two days of OCS (on Campus Suspension)
We both apologized to each other, and it was all good.
I think he's gonna get enough shit from the football players as it is (He got a black eye....from a girl...), so I just left it be.

This Friday I'm going on a three hour bus trip with the rest of the band for a football game. Varsity made playoffs! Whoop Whoop! It's gonna be crazy. Colorguard+Tubas+Drumline+One charter bus=...Oh those poor, poor chaperons.

I'm sorry loves, I'd stay and write more; however, I have a huge paper due in English tomorrow, and I need to finish up a couple things on it.

-Forgive me?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

You know what I'm not a fan of?

The fact that I always seem to feel the need to be eating something lately. Like, always. It's not workin' well for me... You know how people say it's a sign of a growth spurt? It's totally a growth spurt. It's called more fat. I kind of don't approve. I kind of really don't approve. Mrmph. Ah, well. It tastes good, at least!

I'm rewatching the entire first season of Glee. For, like, the third time. You know what tastes really good? Sprite with cranberry. So goooooooood.

I don't really have much to say, so I'm reaching a point of making random crap up.

I BOUGHT THE LION KING. The DVD/Blue ray combo pack. I'm kind of super excited.

Also! I now have TWO incredibly awesome coloring books! One is Harry Potter. It's pretty awesome. The second one I got today. It's a Peanuts one! Like, the cartoon strip? I only bought it for Snoopy. 'Cause Snoopy is potentially the best thing in the world. I adore Snoopy.

Torchie broke her toe into three pieces. I'm not sure that I knew toes were big enough to break into three pieces.

Dude! Apparently normal people know this before me, but Amish kids get a period of Ramspringa! It's when they turn 16, and their parents are like "Okay, kids! Go experience the world! Go party! Wooooooo!" So these kids go drink, do drugs, have all the wild sex they want, drive, wear whatever they want. They don't even have to go back to the Amish culture. But in most cases, the kids are like "The world sucks. I'm not missing anything." And then they go back to being good little Amish people.

The ironic thing about my finding that out was the timing. I was literally thinking right before that how lucky the little Amish girls were for not ever having to worry about makeup.

...It makes sense in my head.

I need to laundry. I just really don't want to. I hate laundry. So much.

Olivia Newton John is on Glee at the moment!

I adore Kristin Chenoweth. Seriously, man.

Glee has the best guest stars.

Nao's asleep, and I'm texting her. She sleep-texts like no other. I hope I'm messing with her dreams.

Speaking of her dreams, she had one where I got eaten by a hippo. But apparently I looked sexy while doing it, so... I guess it's all good :P

I got the munchies again... dang it. I really don't like this constant eating thing.

... Nurti-grain bars? They're usually pretty filling... maybe if I eat one, I won't feel the need to eat anything else for a while? Probably not, but I'll try it... As soon as I feel like getting up and going to the pantry.

I need to go work on the Pre-Area music. And I need to cover like two days worth of sightreading. Mrmph.

So... Now what do I do...? I'm kind of running out of things to talk about.

I think that's about all for now.

I love you!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Have you ever?

Have you ever wanted to throw your hands in the air? Scream and let the world know you're done? You're through? You just can't take anymore?
Have you ever just wanted to run as fast you can? See who follows?
Have you ever felt like nothing you could do would make it worth it? That you are completely and utterly not enough? That no matter how hard you tried no one would care?
Have you ever considered it to be worthless? Life to be fake? A hell we live in?
Have you ever lost hope? Lost sight of your dreams? Watched them as they faded and drifted in the wind?
Have you ever fallen so far? So far the edge seems too high to reach? No way to climb out?

Have you ever stopped caring? Decided it didn't matter what others thought?
Have you ever ran? Ran for the pleasure? Ran to come back? To see the world in a new light?
Have you ever just stopped thinking? Made your mind up that you'd make it through?
Have you ever held your head up high and set your shoulders? Flipped the world the bird and carried on?
Have you ever skipped when you could have walked? Smiled when you could have yelled?
Have you ever chased your dreams and held on tight?

The life we live in is too short. Take it step by step. Live it up like tomorrow is the end. Stop the hate. Spread the love. Find the one. Breathe. Spin. Act. Sing. Dance (preferably in the rain). Perform. Read. Play. Skip. Run. L.I.V.E.

I've been in a really weird mood lately. I sprained my ankle on Monday. Nutters should be updating tonight. Three of my photos got put in the glass :3 (Hall of fame for photography at my school). Taking senior pics of one of my guard friends tomorrow. I miss Nutters. I miss my brother. I miss Nao. I miss Flynn. The world isn't fair. It never will be. It seems like I always get the short end of the stick. Always. I'll get over it. I'll breathe. As soon as my ankle is healed I can start running again. I can get rid of all these feelings. Until then. Wish me luck.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tiana, Oh Tiana. Where do you belong?

On Nutter's Disney Princess crayons? No.
On my Disney channel on Pandora? Oh definitely.
"Almost There" makes me happy. Along with "Mother knows Best", as apparently y'all heard.
So best kind of failure that occurred after Nutter's got off last night!
We're on the phone, and all of a sudden her parents burst out laughing.
She goes to investigate. The following conversation made me so happy!

Mom: It's our anniversary!
Nutters: No, it's not.
Mom & Dad: Yes it is!
Mom: We both forgot!
Nutters: It's your anniversary... and you both forgot?
Mom: YES!

Ah how I love her family.
I made a cupcake for a friend in class! A crocheted cupcake!
Yup. I'm just that damn cool.

Dudes! Please tell me I'm not the only one who realized how totally, and utterly perverted "A Whole New World" from Aladdin is. I mean seriously! It's SO BAD!!!!!!! LMAO And "Be Prepared" from Lion King is so freaking creepy. The intro creeps me out every time.

Can you tell that I'm jamming out to Disney music? Lol

I'm also making a cupcake for my guard director!
Tuesday was his birthday, but I had pink eye so I couldn't go to class :(

I'm all better now!
I only had it for two days, then I couldn't go back for the third day, because I'm an idiot and managed to get a micro abrasion on my cornea. -_-
SO! I had to walk around with no contacts in, and I don't have any glasses! Know what that means? Oh yeah! Forgot to mention! I'm legally blind ^.^ SO my mom thought it was HYSTERICAL to move furniture and put shit on the ground, that wasn't there BEFORE I HAD TO WALK AROUND BLIND. So I kept running into crap. OH!

Speaking of running into crap, today at rehearsal Strawberry and I were working on some dance, and I got light headed and off balance. SO I started stumbling backwards! Which wouldn't have been a problem! Except the fact that there was a drum stand, a curb behind me. So I tripped over the drum stand, knocked over three more, and landed on my back on the curb. I have a giant bruise on the back of my thigh now because of this. Oh also! I did this in front of the entire marching band! I'm awesome, right?  Stache-man (Head band director) thought it was hilarious. I'll admit though. I did laugh at myself, so it was all good.

Tomorrow in my Theatre class I'm getting turned into a male!!!!! It's to be amazing. My brother (basically my twin lol) and I argued all summer about who would've made the more attractive boy. Him or me. Harry Potter (another female friend lol) is our make up/costume/hair genius at my high school. She overheard this argument, and decided to get an outcome lol. So! I was suppose to be turned on Wednesday buuuuuuuuuuut I had pink eye! So tomorrow it's HAPPENING!!!!! I shall put up pictures :3 (Also she says she's singing "I'll Make a Man Out of You" the whole time lmao)

Sigh I think I've written enough for the night, and I'm tired.
Euw. I also need a shower.
("A Girl Worth Fighting For" just came on. BEST.EVER.)


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Did they wear tights in the 1920s

I can't explain the title. I just clicked on the title box, and this was one of the suggestions, and it amused me, so I went with it. :D

Hi! It's been forever almost! Which means that I'm a terrible person!

My family keeps talking, and I want them to stop and go into the other room so I can have this one all to myself.

Torchie's telling me to explain the red hot game! So, shortly before the end of freshman year (Holy crap! It was that long ago!!) we were lying on her bed eating red hots. She had this Mad Hatter poster hanging over her bed, so I started throwing the red hots at the poster trying to get the red hot to hit his mouth. Somehow, this evolved. You know those light fixtures that are like little bowls hanging from the ceiling with the lightbulb in it? She had one of those. So somehow we went from throwing the red hots at the poster to trying to get them into the light fixture. And failing miserably, most of the time. It. Was. AWESOME.

I spilled some soda on my keyboard, and now I have keys that stick randomly.

I'm having an ongoing poke war with Dude Pal, and I'M TOTALLY WINNING. :D

Torchie's telling me I'm not cool because I haven't seen Ferris Beuler's Day Off. Somehow, this doesn't bother me.

I just had my last hard academic school day for about a week! You see, because my school district is stupid, our schedules go: Red day- Monday and Wednesday; Gold day- Tuesday and Thursday; And Fridays alternate. So I had a red day today, and tomorrow is a gold day, and Friday is a gold day as well. Monday is a half day, and Wednesday I'm attending a PSAT prep seminar and will only be in one of my actual classes for an hour! So my next hard academic day is next Friday! My gold day schedule is pretty rockin'. It's Madrigal choir, varsity choir, Chemistry, and Show choir. The only problem is that's singing for at least four hours a day, and it kind of hurts. But I'm slowly getting used to it!

I'm kind of running out of things to say, but I feel like I should keep going. Torchie's on drugs! It's rather amusing. She went and got herself double pink eye. She's a bloody genius!

She's now telling me to tell a random story. I'm going to answer this with "I feel homeless!" "Strangers waiting up and down the boulevard! Their shadows searching in the nights!" "*boom* *boom* Down on your face!" "Like the angle of the dangle?" (The Losers is an awesome movie.)

I shut the door between the den and the dining room so that I wouldn't hear my parents talking, and then Mom came into the kitchen and left the door open. She. Didn't. Bloody. Shut. It.


I told Torch she should play Mother Gothel in Tangled because of her love of the song Mother Knows Best and how she said she should audition with that song. She was offended because I compared her to a "Evil kidnapping witch".

My parents need to either shut the door or talk less loudly. I could shut it myself, but I don't wanna get up.

Torch's now serenading me with Mother Knows Best!

I need something more to say....

hdaskfjhaiweurwe0opiyt0we85732098hjgsdityuijhnbgfthb vd67iujrdew2253686978pujhvmgfrtu679890-8769o5ieuweshdfglkn ,./pupiytire32qazsweu5u6tfdhcvbnhluy7u08ipu=]ip;lgjf,v ncmdfrtilyu;iop876trylhunjb vvngftur7658970-=-0987654edfgyuiopklmnbvgftyiuklop09io0jgfjhb  cdxs

That was something more! :D

I'm sure I have something more to say, I just can't think of anything more.

Eye wuff yew, Torchie!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

Sorry! I know y'all are expecting an update from Nutmeg, but she's at school right now, and I'm dying of boredom.
I'm sitting in a hospital waiting room. Waiting to hear the beeper to inform me that I can go see my mom (she had surgery this morning, we're waiting for her to get a room so I can see her), waiting on my ride to band rehearsal to get here (I'd skip today, but we only have two this week and I have GOT to learn my duet with Kelcy), waiting for an email that I've been waiting for to get here.
Oh well. Ma's doing good. Well at least JohnJohn said so, I haven't seen her yet.
I actually did all my homework!
I didn't bring anything to read -.-
I'm bored with Facebook and all that jazz.
So! I'm going to randomly update the blog. Hopefully you'll forgive me for making you think Nutter's had updated. (Yes I'm aware. It' her turn. She's more amusing. Blah. Shuddup. Nobody likes you, and you're adopted.)
John is watching some sort of old sitcom on his computer...and it's sooooo looouuuudddd.
Ha! I beat his with Pandora. Pandora is the best creation of mankind.
Well...besides AC and Heating.
Yeah, I'm a pussy when it comes to heat.
I can take serious cold though, so stick that in your juice box and suck it!
Hehe. I said that the other day and my madre goes "What?!?" Twas amusing.
The little lady across the way is talking about all the places she has been to.
She's been to China. That's a pretty bad ass granny.
My right hand is cramping....tis annoying.
I hope Ma gets a room soon.
I have to leave in the next twentyish minutes.
Oh! Remind me that I need to grab some books, clothes, and a sweater from home after rehearsal.
Yes, I am aware that a sweater falls under the category of clothes.
But it's not normal clothes for September in this God awful hot state I live in.
Woo for random cold fronts!
It feels like October. It makes me so happy!
I love the cold months.
Snow is the bet thing EVER.
We don't get it every year, but it makes me oh so delirious when we do.
Weird...people wouldn't stop texting me earlier (while most were still in school lol), but no one is texting me now. (And school is out. Hmm very odd.)
I'm boooooooored. Ryan gave me a spinny ring that makes me smile. Every time I type it makes a little *dink* noise when the two metals click. It makes me happy. Is that weird?
Eh. I'm easily made happy as you're sure to figure out.
I'm also very easy to make upset though. And I like to hold grudges. ^w^
Oh! I just remembered that I never told you how this blog came into existence!
There is an online author that I'm ridiculously obsessed with addicted to. Called! Ms.Marauder.
She writes on an amazing writing/reading site called
Well she has this habit of disappearing for a couple of months, then coming back!
But....she hasn't come back in awhile and it's driving me mad.
So I started writing on her wall!
Leaving a comment everyday, begging for her to come back, and just to annoy her into existence really lol
Well, Nutter's thought it was hysterical, and that it needed to be transferred into blog form.
Then we started discussing what would happen if we wrote a blog together and then after a late night rambling session I went ahead and created it, and we are!
As you've probably realized we have a thing for Never land.
Also something sort of brought on by the famous Marauder, but basically our plan is to fly away to Never land this upcoming summer, as to never grow up.
Think about it.
After high school....well....yeah. We aren't even going to go there right now.
I'm still having constant anxiety attacks about what college I want to go to, and scholarships, and after college, and BLAH.
But it's okay!
Because we're going to Never land, and are never going to have to worry about it.
Problem solved!
Nutter's even has the pixie dust.
We're just waiting for the atmosphere proof luggage we ordered off of EBay to get here :D
Well, I need to call Mama Q and see if she's going to pick me up. Hopefully the next update will be from Nutters.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm a Terrible Person

I gave Nutmeg all that crap, then went and didn't update for two weeks!!!
Well!....She's use to putting up with my crap lol. I'm actually at her place right now! I'm updating and she's playing music as we I type? Anywhoozers! Funny conversation from about ten minutes ago.
Nutters: Oh no! You're not!
Me: No! Not yet! I'm just really awake!....Hehehehehe
Nutters: I hope you know you're terrifying me right now.

Whoa...Nutters stopped the music, and I couldn't type until she started playing it again >.<
Stupid band child in me.
(Forgive me for anything I say. I'm tired.)

Excuse me for a moment! I must tie up my hair!

So. Wow. The amount of stuff that has occurred since the last time I's crazy.
1) I have a boyfriend (Ryan :3) (Lmao I had to go back and look up his codename)
2) School started
3) AP English III is kicking my ass
4) The evil freshman child has decided to actually do winter guard. (Damn.)
5) Lt. Strawberry and I have a duet! It's an entire movement long! Eeeek!
6) My schedule (God dammit!!! Every time Nutters stops the music I stop typing >.< She thinks it's hysterical!!!!) sucks this year :/
7) I'm home for the weekend!
8) Are you aware of the fact that making mums/garters is terrifying?
9) Because it seriously is....Also! I hate mums -.- My mom convinced BF to make me a huge, gaudy, loud one.
10) He tried to put a cowbell on it. A cowbell. I threatened to cut it off and not wear it.
11) (SHE KEEPS DOING IT!!!!!) Flynn (named because he has THE Flynn Rider smolder. It's amazing.) came over yesterday, twas amusing.
12) I think Flynn and NaoNao are going to get together. Mhmm. Mhmm.
13) We went random thrift store surfing today!
14) I got a jawdropper, ice blue, strapless dress for $4.50.
15) Oh yeah.
16) I love thrift stores.
17) Mama Dobbs is talking to the dog. It makes me smile.
18) I must go and try to sneak something out of my madre's room.
19) I failed.
20) She woke up.
21) And threw a hair brush at me.
22) I dodged it!
23) Facetiming Ryan while I'm hyper = bad idea.
24) P.s I'm hyper now.
25) I should end this now, but I want it to be good.
26) So I'll end it at 30.
27) Just a little while longer now.
28) Ryan keeps trying to get me to dance for him.
29) He's funny, because he thinks it's legitimately going to happen.
30) Okay! We're done now! Nutters' making Ryan listen to a dirty Rocky Horror Picture Show >.<

The I-pod died and hung up on Ryan. He called. He was very confused lol. MY KNUCKLE ITCHES. Nutmeg and I are going to retire to the bedroom for the night, I believe. So! Nighty night!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Goodbye Summer=MEH

I completely don't like that tomorrow is the first day of our junior year.
Mom's reading out loud some tips for cleaning out your closet.
I'm about to paint my toe nails! Because I find it to be such a confidence booster to look down and see some fun colored toe nails smiling back up at you.
I now owe Mom money.
Let's not talk about it.
I went to a youth group end of year party!
I got to see our buggy friend! Who happens to be like a little brother to me.
Where we had it has this awesome pool, and arcade, and all that stuff.
So I was in the pool with Buggy and ...Mandi! That's what we'll call her!
And Buggy kept kicking my legs. I was in a weird mood, so I go "That's inappropriate!" And Mandi goes "Now Nutmeg's pregnant, and it's all your fault Buggy! Oh now you kicked ME! Now we're both pregnant!" [Just to be perfectly clear, there was no sexual intercourse and neither of us are pregnant.] And I go "Well, he can't marry both of us!" Mandi, "Buggy! Pick" His finger then goes back and forth, he yells "Turtle!" and darts off.
twas rather interesting.
I think I'm going to buy a dress tomorrow, because it's pretty and I like it. And it's on sale.
Do I want a soda before I go to bed? I kind of do.
Tomorrow will be a red day, which I'm not looking forward to because it's my hard day. I have three academic classes an done choir period on one day, and the opposite on the other.
Yay for constant singing!
I auditioned for a show yesterday. I kind of think I'm not going to make it.
Oh well! That gives me time to get a job! :D :D :D
I'm really not sure that I have much to say. I know I should, but I don't really.
Is that bad?
I don't know.

Bah Hum Bug

So, the dreaded school starts tomorrow and our final summer day is slipping away as I speak.
Maka is over and actually using my back as a pillow right now. She's reading Huck Fin aloud, because we have an AP English project due tomorrow. Yup. I'm so screeeeeeeeeeeeewed.

Anywhoozers, I love it how she reads, when she does her southern accent comes out so strong, and it's just plain amazing.
An now we're dying at the out right nerd humor occurring in the book.
Yeah. When I read Romeo and Juliet I died laughing at the Old English Bitch Fight that occurred. No one in my class understood why I was laughing.
Nutmeg and I also had Pre-AP IPC together! We had a crazy teacher named Mrs. Montemayor. She was psychotic.

Hmm....Where oh where did my thoughts go?
I had my first date last night!
It was amazing :3
Random fact about Nutmeg!
She isn't dating until after high school!
It's her choice mhmm mhmm.

I went bra shopping today!
The new bra is pwettttyyyyyy, it makes me all va-va-VOOMISH.
It's kind of creepy.
Not gonna lie.
Not really creepy, but just...unusual.

I hope Nutmeg's next update is pretty long. I miss her bunches. (HINT HINT. NUTMEG. HINT.)

Hopefully I'll get to see her Labor day weekend!

I have this portrait on my wall. It's of these two lovers/dancers. It's a Tyson Art. (If that means anything to you). It's quite pretty, and I love it. It INVADED my dream the other night though. Very very odd.

Well, I've basically been ignoring Maka's reading, but honestly I do need to be paying attention, so I think I shall go now.
I'm going to try to convince Nutmeg to update tonight.


Friday, August 19, 2011

I apparently suck at blogging

Torchie informed me that because I haven't updated in a few days, it means I suck at blogging. So I'm updating! Wooooo!

I went to see a play tonight!! I was supposed to go with my dude pal, but he bailed because he's lame. So I met with other dude pal and other best friend and went! (I'm going with original dude pal next weekend). It was really funny.
Keep in mind, I know most people at this theatre. Because they all rock. I was talking about something and how it pissed me off, and this guy I've known for years walks up behind me and goes "You can't cuss! It's just wrong!" (All I said was "pissed", mind you)
So he and his brother start talking about how hearing me swear is like hearing a puppy swear.
I'm a puppy, apparently.
And to make up for this being so short, I'm going to link to two blogs I rather enjoy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Spazz Attack

It came to my realization, that no matter how many times I checked it, there wouldn't be any updates from Nutmeg until I updated. Yup. That's how I roll XD

Excuse any random crap I say lol. It's late. I'm tired. My brain has officially overloaded.
Shall I start from yesterday?
I think I shall.
First give me a moment to gain some energy....
Ok! I should be good! Let's do this thing!
I met a bunch of guys last Friday at a church lock-in a friend dragged me to.
One of the guys, who I'll refer to as.....RYAN!...Okay! Anyways! Ryan and I became friends, and have been non-stop texting.
Ryan's younger brother,.....BEN! dating my friend....EMILY! (I'm so gonna forget all these code names lmao)
Emily is a senior.
Ben is a sophomore.
It gets better.
Ryan is a senior.
I'm a junior.
Anywas! We hung out Monday, and had a ton of fun. Yesterday he invited me to go bowling (his family does legit tournaments and crap) I didn't get to go, because of a late rehearsal.
Me: So does this count as me missing a date? Haha
Him: Yeah! It does!
Me: Nah...It wouldn't have been a date.
Him: Why not?!
Me: Because! You'd have to legitimately ask me if I wanted to go on a date with you for it to be a date!
So! Not even two minutes later my phone rings.
Him: Hey Torchie! Are you free Saturday?
Me: I believe so! Por Que? (I literally never ask "why" It's always Por Que. Don't ask why. Just go with it. lol)
him: Would you want to go on a date with me?
Me: *Mass spazz-fest*
Before you think I'm crazy! There's more behind this than JUST a date.
This is my FIRST date. EVER. XD I'm excited.
K! This was yesterday. Now today! I'm in color guard, and on rifle line. We have a killer new director this year. He was very frustrated yesterday, and wanted to cut our rifle line work, and give us easy crap and blah blah blah.
Today! He decided we worked hard enough for it, that he was gonna let us have it! :D
Had a fantastic rehearsal.
I helped a friend start painting her senior parking spot. IT WAS SO FREAKING HOT OUT THERE TODAY.
We were idiots and forgot to take water out with us. Yeah, I was dying.
We got back to my place, and CRASHED.
The funny thing was, it took us dumping literally half the container of glitter into the paint to realize why it was showing up. Yup. Twas one of those days lol.
I get to go swimming tomorrow!
And Friday! (With my pretty boy :3)
Oh! So while painting today, I slipped and crushed my wrist, so I couldn't spin rifle at rehearsal.
Therefore! He sent me off and told me to write flag work for him. I did! He loved it! It's now in the show! I feel so proud ^.^
Anyways. I'm tired. Basically done spazzing. And ready for sleep.
Night my lovies.
(I had a cymbal call me an impostor today, because he heard me say bloody hell! Then I convinced him I was LITERALLY from England. Oh it was the best. Even the band directors backed me up.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Conglomeration of randomness

Torchie: Update it already!!
So here I am.
Hi! I'm doing a whole bunch of laundry! Because I haven't cleaned my room in about a month, and school starts next week, and I kind of need clothes.
Also, I really wanna rearrange my room. Why? Because it's been this way for a loooooooooong time and I'm bored.
So bored.
I ordered an awesome print online, and I feel as thought the room should look new with the awesome print!
( <-- awesome print)
This is a conglomeration of randomness, yup yup.
Conglomeration... I really like that word. It makes me smile. :D
I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be about one specific thing, but I can't think in terms of that right now, because as Torchie would say, brain go boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop.
I'm going to stop here before I say anything that I'll regret.
Sorry that I'm not interesting!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm on my way to band camp! Because, because, because the wonderful things that happen!

I'm running around my room getting ready for a late rehearsal (We're done with two a days! Hallelujah!) and had the thought "How many times do we update that thingy? Often? Daily? Weekly? Oh well."
Here is me doing a random update while looking for my tank top, that I've misplaced Bwhaha.
Actually....I really do need to find that.
My ride is on the way!
I got to go to the mall and hang out with a random group of friends today, it was pretty awesome.
I'm most likely gonna finish this after rehearsal...yeah...I need to find my shirt...
When I get back I'll make this post about some history and what not.
Give you a little background on Nutmeg and I, and how this came about. (Besides late night ramblings lol)
I'll be right back! Just give me about four hours.
And now I'm all sweaty and stinky and gross.
I mean my feet smell D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G
The dog ran. The dog never runs. Ask Nutmeg. It's an idiotic deer chihuahua that'll eat anything. Even Poprocks.
Oh my guard!
Bahaha. I just remembered Red Hots.
Ask Nutmeg. She explains that one better.
Anywhoozers! Background time, right?
Nutmeg and I met and bonded over a third friend's backpack Freshman year.
We had Theatre, Choir, and one lunch together.
(Oh the random memories from those lunches)
The backpack was white and had different colored monsters on it. Nutmeg named the purple ones Fabio, and the pink ones I named Lucy.
That's how it all started lol.
We actually bonded in a group, it was her, me, and a third friend we shall refer to as Claire.
Nutmeg, Claire, and I became close friends on one specific night. The night we went to the rodeo.
It's amazing what a few hot boys, a stupid dare, and shared nachos can do for a friendship.
Anyways, the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year we discovered that I was moving about five hours away.
It was a very hard time for me, and I had to be the new girl all over again. (Ex-Navy brat. You think I'd be use to it by now...)
Well, Claire and I fell apart, and stopped being friends.
Nutmeg and I, however; see each other as often as possible, and are in contact everyday.
She truly is my soul sister, and I don't know what I would do without her.
It's been a year since I moved....dang time flew.
Well anyways, I apologize for this being so short and unorganized, but I must crash.
I guess my next update will be sometime after Nutmeg's.
Oh crap...I meant to tell you about how this came into time!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First! -Nutmeg

I keep having this frightening thought, where it hits me, and all I can do is literally stand there for a second and say/think "We're about to be juniors. We're. about. to. be. juniors!" and then I die from terror.

This is frightening! Because with every passing day, we're getting closer to, dare I say it, adulthood! And adulthood means no Neverland! Down right terrifying, you guys.

I'm determined to mix it up this year. I am on a mission! You see, I had this awesome group of friends, and I still do, but Torchie here moved, and now school's just weird. So I've decided that I'm going to find myself the best, most entertaining group of friends inside the walls of CHS that I can! 'Cause when Torchie left, she took most of my guy friends with her, and I miss hanging out with guys during school. Guys are easier to get along with. So there.

At any rate, I'm completely rambling. But it's fun, so y'all can deal with it. I'm considering this as more of a letter to Torchie, because then I automatically ramble more and become slightly more entertaining.

I also meant to YouTube an awesome song so that I could say I was listening to an awesome song while writing this, but I got distracted and forgot.

I have a week left to enjoy summer, so that's what I'm doing. And this is about five times longer than hers, so I'm done for now. K bye!

To kick this baby off

Hello there my loves!
There will actually be two people writing this baby. I can't figure out how to make us both owners of this thingy, so she's just gonna write through my account. I will sign off as Torchie, and she'll be Nutmeg.
So, I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize now for whatever happens on this thing.
We're both very, very random teenage girls who neither have brain mouth filters.
Well....she might possibly have one still. I've enjoyed corrupting her though.
(Shhhh don't tell her that I admitted to being the corrupter.)
I...forgot what I was gonna say...
Crap...a pretty boy called me and my mind went Boooooooop.
Now Nutmeg is laughing at me...bloody hell.
This is all I can come up with for now loves.
Catch you guys next time!