Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm Terrible!

I love how I give Nutter's so much crap to update the blog all the time, and then go and forget about it for a whole bloody month. Anyways! I actually have legit reasons! I promise!

It all started when I sprained my ankle. Lol. Life has kind of exploded since then.
I broke up with Ryan. Yeah, I know. I'm terrible. Title, remember?
A week later (almost to walk normal again) I dropped my rifle on my foot, and shattered my toe into three pieces. My guard director has hated me for the last month.
I've been struggling to not fail my dang math class. Bloody teacher thinks just because he gets everything, means that we should too.
I miss Ky...God I miss Ky. I found one of his shirts packed in a box I hadn't gotten around to unpacking till a couple days ago. It still smells like him. Good news though! He might be coming down for Christmas! :) I really hope he does.
Also! I get to go home for Thanksgiving! Whooo!!!!! Nutters! And Nao! And maybe Flynn :P
Although he fails at life and will be up here, while I'm down there.

I've been working out like crazy lately and finally losing my "baby fat" ;D
I've gotten addicted to it though, and go running every weekend and crunches and pushups ever day, and BLAH. I'm sore. Always. It's awesome, but kind of sucks too. I fell asleep while developing film in photography today. The alarm went off (to change the chemicals) and I freaked out and backed into the door. Managed to face plant. Mind you! This room is literally the size of a small closet. Yup. Still trying to figure out how I managed that one.

I'm typing in time to a very fast tempo country song, it's amusing to me.
I'm also texting Flynn, and considering when I should start on my homework. (Because obviously you're sooooooo curious as to what I do, right?)

Oh yeah...So...Hmm... How do I put this lightly?
Well, I punched a Freshman in the face yesterday...
Okay! Before you call me even MORE terrible! He's on JV! So he was built...he could've blocked it...
I was walking up the staircase in the fine arts hall, and he grabbed my ass (Truth or Dare) (Poor kid...), my natural reaction was to turn and hit. And being me, of course, I ended up hitting him in the face.
Luckily a female security guard saw the whole thing, and I didn't get in trouble. I got a warning, and the kid got two days of OCS (on Campus Suspension)
We both apologized to each other, and it was all good.
I think he's gonna get enough shit from the football players as it is (He got a black eye....from a girl...), so I just left it be.

This Friday I'm going on a three hour bus trip with the rest of the band for a football game. Varsity made playoffs! Whoop Whoop! It's gonna be crazy. Colorguard+Tubas+Drumline+One charter bus=...Oh those poor, poor chaperons.

I'm sorry loves, I'd stay and write more; however, I have a huge paper due in English tomorrow, and I need to finish up a couple things on it.

-Forgive me?

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