Sunday, October 16, 2011

You know what I'm not a fan of?

The fact that I always seem to feel the need to be eating something lately. Like, always. It's not workin' well for me... You know how people say it's a sign of a growth spurt? It's totally a growth spurt. It's called more fat. I kind of don't approve. I kind of really don't approve. Mrmph. Ah, well. It tastes good, at least!

I'm rewatching the entire first season of Glee. For, like, the third time. You know what tastes really good? Sprite with cranberry. So goooooooood.

I don't really have much to say, so I'm reaching a point of making random crap up.

I BOUGHT THE LION KING. The DVD/Blue ray combo pack. I'm kind of super excited.

Also! I now have TWO incredibly awesome coloring books! One is Harry Potter. It's pretty awesome. The second one I got today. It's a Peanuts one! Like, the cartoon strip? I only bought it for Snoopy. 'Cause Snoopy is potentially the best thing in the world. I adore Snoopy.

Torchie broke her toe into three pieces. I'm not sure that I knew toes were big enough to break into three pieces.

Dude! Apparently normal people know this before me, but Amish kids get a period of Ramspringa! It's when they turn 16, and their parents are like "Okay, kids! Go experience the world! Go party! Wooooooo!" So these kids go drink, do drugs, have all the wild sex they want, drive, wear whatever they want. They don't even have to go back to the Amish culture. But in most cases, the kids are like "The world sucks. I'm not missing anything." And then they go back to being good little Amish people.

The ironic thing about my finding that out was the timing. I was literally thinking right before that how lucky the little Amish girls were for not ever having to worry about makeup.

...It makes sense in my head.

I need to laundry. I just really don't want to. I hate laundry. So much.

Olivia Newton John is on Glee at the moment!

I adore Kristin Chenoweth. Seriously, man.

Glee has the best guest stars.

Nao's asleep, and I'm texting her. She sleep-texts like no other. I hope I'm messing with her dreams.

Speaking of her dreams, she had one where I got eaten by a hippo. But apparently I looked sexy while doing it, so... I guess it's all good :P

I got the munchies again... dang it. I really don't like this constant eating thing.

... Nurti-grain bars? They're usually pretty filling... maybe if I eat one, I won't feel the need to eat anything else for a while? Probably not, but I'll try it... As soon as I feel like getting up and going to the pantry.

I need to go work on the Pre-Area music. And I need to cover like two days worth of sightreading. Mrmph.

So... Now what do I do...? I'm kind of running out of things to talk about.

I think that's about all for now.

I love you!


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