Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm on my way to band camp! Because, because, because the wonderful things that happen!

I'm running around my room getting ready for a late rehearsal (We're done with two a days! Hallelujah!) and had the thought "How many times do we update that thingy? Often? Daily? Weekly? Oh well."
Here is me doing a random update while looking for my tank top, that I've misplaced Bwhaha.
Actually....I really do need to find that.
My ride is on the way!
I got to go to the mall and hang out with a random group of friends today, it was pretty awesome.
I'm most likely gonna finish this after rehearsal...yeah...I need to find my shirt...
When I get back I'll make this post about some history and what not.
Give you a little background on Nutmeg and I, and how this came about. (Besides late night ramblings lol)
I'll be right back! Just give me about four hours.
And now I'm all sweaty and stinky and gross.
I mean my feet smell D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G
The dog ran. The dog never runs. Ask Nutmeg. It's an idiotic deer chihuahua that'll eat anything. Even Poprocks.
Oh my guard!
Bahaha. I just remembered Red Hots.
Ask Nutmeg. She explains that one better.
Anywhoozers! Background time, right?
Nutmeg and I met and bonded over a third friend's backpack Freshman year.
We had Theatre, Choir, and one lunch together.
(Oh the random memories from those lunches)
The backpack was white and had different colored monsters on it. Nutmeg named the purple ones Fabio, and the pink ones I named Lucy.
That's how it all started lol.
We actually bonded in a group, it was her, me, and a third friend we shall refer to as Claire.
Nutmeg, Claire, and I became close friends on one specific night. The night we went to the rodeo.
It's amazing what a few hot boys, a stupid dare, and shared nachos can do for a friendship.
Anyways, the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year we discovered that I was moving about five hours away.
It was a very hard time for me, and I had to be the new girl all over again. (Ex-Navy brat. You think I'd be use to it by now...)
Well, Claire and I fell apart, and stopped being friends.
Nutmeg and I, however; see each other as often as possible, and are in contact everyday.
She truly is my soul sister, and I don't know what I would do without her.
It's been a year since I moved....dang time flew.
Well anyways, I apologize for this being so short and unorganized, but I must crash.
I guess my next update will be sometime after Nutmeg's.
Oh crap...I meant to tell you about how this came into time!

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